The Pop Art of Your Dreams

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Hi, I'm taylor

I was working on a design project a couple years ago and my client wanted something art deco. She lived in Miami, had a fun personality and it fit her vibe. I was excited because it’s personally one of my favorite aesthetics right now, but when I started looking for artwork I hit a wall. Everything was either super expensive, or really tacky. Personally, I’m not into a Chanel No. 5 print with some neon paint splattered on it. It says nothing about your personality, and only says to me “I have no idea what my personal style is, and everyone thinks this is cool, so this is it”. I’m not trying to be rude, I’ve just never met anyone who genuinely could explain why they liked the artwork. When you’re spending money designing your space I think it’s important to be intentional about it. Often, I think you see a blank wall and think, “well I just need something to fill it”, when in reality you’re just wasting money on something you don’t love.

Some artwork is easier to find than others. Since I’ve put days (yes days) into researching fun Pop Art I thought I’d share my list. A lot of these artists I found on society 6, but I’ll link everything as we go.

Paul Fuentes

You’ve probably seen some of his work whether you knew it or not. A lot of his artwork includes animals and whimsical colors. It gives me retro California vibes.

Lizzie Darden

Her artwork is more minimalistic but also has a great sense of humor. Most of her pieces have a hidden pun or fun play on words. It’s giving personality.


If you’re into a retro space vibe, this is for you. 50’s nostalgia with a sci-fi twist. It would be really cute with some Mid-Century Modern furniture.

Deb McNaughton

I stumbled across this Australian artist on Pinterest and fell in love. If you like bright, abstract art this is for you. Large works are more expensive but an investment piece. However, there are also small prints reasonably priced.

Oliver Gal Artist Co.

It’s defiently my least favorite but if you have to have the labels, these are at least interesting.

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